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The Great Canadian Baking Show
Précédent  1x03 Suivant
Dessert Week
Diffusé le : 15/11/2017
It's dessert week. Inherently, the judges are looking for spectacular looking bakes as desserts have to look inviting to be chosen from a dessert trolley. For the signature bake, the bakers are required to make an elegant looking sweet tart or pie with some sort of short crust pastry, where the fat, usually butter, is cut into the flour.For the technical challenge, the bakers are required to make one dozen fondant fancies in two hours. The judges will be looking for twelve identical looking fancies, with an emphasis on fancy for the decoration.For the showstopper, the bakers have three hours to make a pavlova, which needs to have the balance between the light meringue with the crispy exterior and soft interior, contrasting with the unctuousness of the whipped cream and the slightly tart topping comprised usually of fruit. (
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