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Un tableau très vivant
Diffusé le : 19/03/2005
While at the Art Museum trying to capture the feeling of the middle ages for their school carnival, Will, Taranee, Cornelia, and Hay Lin get sucked into the painting they are studying. Unbeknowst to the girls, Phobos knows they are trapped in the painting and sends Frost the Hunter after them, but the girls escape with the help of Elias Van Daal, the imprisoned artist of the painting. Meanwhile, Irma, Caleb and Blunk have to stall for time at the Medieval Carnival and figure out how to get the girls back to Heatherfield. Anachronistic hell breaks loose when Cedric and his goon platoon enter the painting to get the Heart of Candrecar and girls have to paint like mad to get away. Irma and Caleb rescue the girls from the painting and manage to salvage the school carnival thanks to the number of people they brought back with them from the painting. (
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