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The Steve Harvey Show
Précédent  5x02 Suivant
Player, Interrupted
Diffusé le : 15/10/2000
Regina recruits Steve and Cedric to perform at a charity function to impress the snooty wives of her boyfriend's teammates, since she's having some trouble fitting in. However, unbeknownst to the guys, the event is held at a mental hospital and after raising the roof, the two end up locked in with the patients and Steve gets in touch with his feelings about his crisis over Regina's wedding. Elsewhere, Bullethead and Romeo join Lydia's new club, but their ideas on how to spend the organization's funds cause division among the group's members. - - - Following her engagement to NBA superstar Jordan Maddux, Regina is distraught over not being accepted by the other player's wives. In an effort to win the wives' approval, she cajoles Steve and Cedric into performing at a charity benefit. But after learning she is not invited to the luncheon, Regina accepts Lovita's offer to use Steve's apartment for a party to get to know the other wives better. Meanwhile, Steve encourages Romeo and Bullet (
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