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Veronica's Closet
(Les Dessous de Veronica)
Précédent  2x12 Suivant
Veronica's Desk Job
Diffusé le : 21/01/1999
Alec refuses to let Josh see ""The Lion King"" so Josh pushes Alec's buttons in return. Alec tells Josh he doesn't want to see his face until he apologizes; Josh threatens to quit instead. Veronica tries to smooth things over between the two, but Alec says he won't forgive Josh until he gets his apology. When Josh refuses to, Veronica makes him take a temp job as Perry's P.R. assistant. In the meantime, Ronnie does all she can to make sure Alec does not fill Josh's old position. Olive hooks up with Jimmy, an old political beau from college, but is disappointed to find out he no longer stages protests or helps fight causes anymore - and that he's basically a fraud. He attempts to convince Olive there's no point in trying to make a difference these days. To show him that there is, Olive ""liberates"" all the animals in a petting zoo and hides them in her apartment to spare them from cruel petting. She gets arrested and irrationally thinks that will help her cause. Josh finds Perry's job a co (
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