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Three Sisters
Précédent  2x05 Suivant
Don't Be Thrown
Diffusé le : 23/10/2001
Nora needs a new job (her last one was directing a gross-out reality show, for crying out loud!), so her father offers her an interview with the university's dean. Reluctant, Nora sees herself with no other choice. At the interview, she reads the note from her dad saying ""don't be thrown by Nora"". Offended, she tries to prove she's not an intimidating person, but ends up looking even more intimidating to the dean. George invites dean Webber to the family brunch, where the dean gives Nora a second chance. Meanwhile, Steven and Jake win an award, but Steven doesn't give Jake a chance to say thanks, which they solve by Jake giving Steven a punch. Bess, on the other hand, doesn't think they can solve things without emotions. (
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