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The Untouchables
(Les Incorruptibles)
Précédent  4x28 Suivant
The Torpedo
Diffusé le : 07/05/1963
April 3, 1931. Vic's Diner, near the Chicago railroad yards; on the surface, no different than a hundred other diners. The blue plate special is 35 cents; a nickel would buy either a hamburger, or a cup of Joe and a sinker. The backroom is the headquarters of Victor Kurtz, bootleg czar of the Chicago southside. Right now he, along with his enforcer Holly Kester, The Torpedo, are having a meet with the boss of the northside, Monk Lyselle and his lieutenant Carl Danzig. Victor Kurtz uses a knife to draw a line bisecting a map of Chicago, then he says, ""Cross that line and you get cut down,"" and then jams the knife through the map and into the table, making his point. No more knocking off each other's speaks, warehouses and booze trucks. Everything's quiet until the night of September 3rd. A 3-truck convoy carrying Canadian whiskey to Chicago is hijacked. One of the masked bandits is Enrico Rossi; Eliot Ness and Lee Hobson and the rest of the Untouchables are there, too. Since th (
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