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Genie In the House
Précédent  1x22 Suivant
Me Me Me
Diffusé le : 23/10/2006
Sophie is fed up with being ignored, so she wishes that people would notice her. Adil overhears, and he must obey. Suddenly, everyone is paying Sophie attention, and she quickly begins to enjoy her new-found fame. Emma, though, soon gets fed up with being known as Sophie's brother, Amy, and decides to tell everyone a few home truths about the now famous Sophie Norton. And Sophie soon gets fed up with being famous, and wishes she was invisible. Adil, of course, fulfils her wish. Meanwhile, Adil discovers the wonderment of Philip's paper shredder, to the detriment of the paperwork on Philip's desk. With Philip Fox as Mr. Preston. Written by Bennett Arron. Directed By Emmanuelle Bebergev. (
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