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The Young and the Restless
(Les Feux de l'amour)
Précédent  31x104 Suivant
Ep. #7707
Diffusé le : 02/09/2003
Nick finds out that Safra is on top shelves and immediately goes to Victor asking what he did to manipulate the stores. NIck tells Victor that he trusts Jack because Jack doesn't cheat. Raul goes to Bobby and tells him that Brittany no longer works for him. Bobby won't hear any of it unless he hears it from Brittany herself. Raul then asks Bobby if he is sleeping with Brittany. J.T tells Brittany that Bobby dosen't care about her but is only using her because she's a huge source of income. Kay tells Jill that she is sorry for not telling her about her health situation and wonders if there is any chance of having a mother-daughter realtionship. Jill is extremely angry that Kay is playing games with her and Larry urges her to pursue a good relationship with Kay and stop trying to ACT nice. Jack and Brad recieve a call that Ashley's been in a car accident. When they arrive at the scene, Brad is horrified to find Ashley severly hurt. He assures her that help is on the way. Frustrated becau (
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