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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
Précédent  47x95 Suivant
Ep. #11805
Diffusé le : 23/03/2012
Will apologizes to Sonny for missing the opening, Lucas walks in seeing them fooling around. Marlena catches Rafe looking at a picture and sees that he really misses Sami. Carrie overhears Abigail admitting to Austin that they never slept together. Lucas tells Will what he walked in on with him and Sonny and someone might get the wrong idea about him. Kate tells Sami she knew for sometime about what she did, and will make sure her life won't be worth living anymore. Stefano openly admits to Hope he arranged for Bo's beating. Carrie unleashes her anger on Abigail for her deception by slapping her. Sami comes home and her day goes from bad to worse when Rafe asks for a divorce. Lucas is shocked when Kate is considering sending Sami to prison. Stefano shows John video surveillance of Marlena in the town square and someone following her. Will is shocked when Kate says that his secret is safe with her. Austin asks Carrie that what happened today changes anything between them. (
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