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As The World Turns
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Ep. #11875
Diffusé le : 01/11/2002
Brandy tells Paul to wait for James in his hotel room. He drinks a glass of wine with her and leaves. Meanwhile, Barbara is shocked when James shows up in Wills hospital room. She refuses to leave with him and James heads out to meet Marshall. Marshall insists that before they continue with their plan James must get Marshall the videotape of his tryst with Jessica. Later, Paul finds James in his room. He realizes that Brandy drugged him and tries to steady his gun on James. Barbara rushes off to tell Margo that she has seen James. At the Lakeview, Isaac notes Bonnies attitude towards Jessica, but she refuses to give him any details. Katie, Simon and Holden tell Emily that they believe Will may have set the fire and she promises to see if she get any information. Rosanna gives Carly an ultimatum: Either walk away from Jack and Monte Carlo or Rosanna will reveal that she slept with someone else the night before her wedding. Carly refuses to be blackmailed and she and Jack go through with their wedding. Margo reports to Jack that the bear was bought in Colorado and Jack is relieved when he thinks that Julia is far away. He recommends that he and Carly take a secret honeymoon. Carly confides in Mike what Rosanna suspects and he promises to take care of everything. Everyone is shocked when Carly throws her bouquet and Julia catches it! At Franklin College, the kids narrowly escape being caught when they trade Aarons bike for a car and speed away. (
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