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Ep. #148
Diffusé le : 28/01/2000
Charity continues to feel connected to the fish she brought home, unaware the fish is really Tabitha. Tabitha realizes Charity's powers are growing stronger. Tabitha panics when Reese says he wants to dissect the fish, but Charity stops him. An inept Kay tries to cook breakfast to impress Miguel. Kay causes a mishap and in all the commotion, she knocks the fish bowl into the sink. Charity is relived to find the fish didn't go down the drain. Timmy approaches the Bennetts' kitchen window, ready to read an incantation to change Tabitha back into human form. Reese approaches the fish and is surprised by what he sees. Hank is shocked when Luis admits he kissed Sheridan. Luis explains the kiss was just a cover to throw off Julian's suspicions. Luis is disappointed when Hank points out Sheridan's time at the youth center is almost over and so Luis won't see her anymore. Meanwhile, Sheridan assures Pilar she only feels gratitude towards Luis, nothing more. Pilar is relieved and warns Sheridan (
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