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Sunset Beach
Précédent  2x05 Suivant
Episode 252
Diffusé le : 12/01/1998
Ricardo questions Cole about Jade's whereabouts, because she has been accused for a number on jewel thefts in O.C. Caitlin confesses to Annie the entire truth about her miscarriage, and shows her the pregnancy pad that she keeps under her clothes. Annie thinks of a really good way to use what she knows to get closer to Caitlin, and then maybe to someone else. The girls continue calling, and Caitlin tells why she is reluctant to tell anyone about her miscarriage. When Caitlin tucks the pregnancy pad back under her clothes, Cole arrives and is about to see that it's all fake. When they find Jade's lifeless body, Meg feels like she is the guilty one for bringing everyone on this island. The islanders, however, tell her that they came of their own volition. The islanders talk about possible suspects, and Mark feels guilty because he told them all of those scary stories, while Tim believes that Grogan could be the killer, because his boat is no longer at the dock. However, he suspects that it could be Ben more, and tells it to Meg, who doesn't believe him. (
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