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Sunset Beach
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Episode 130
Diffusé le : 09/07/1998
When they arrive at the church, AJ offers to leave, but Cole asks him to stay, saying that even though all isn't forgiven, he wants AJ to be part of Trey's life. Antonio gives Caitlin a present -- a music box that plays "Rock-A-Bye, Baby." Annie tells Caitlin to stop playing it, but Olivia insists that she needs to remember. While holding Trey during the baptism, Olivia recognizes him as her own baby. When Annie takes Trey from Olivia, Olivia remembers Annie taking her baby from her. Ben gets a call that they didn't find Derek's body. He reassures Meg that Derek's body was washed out to sea; there was no way he could have survived that fall. Ben tells Meg that he has to learn to live with the mistake that he made not trusting Maria. Meg, not realizing that he knows that she was intimate with Derek, tries to figure out how to tell him. When Meg attempts to tell Ben about being intimate with Derek, he won't let her, and she wonders if he already knew the truth. (
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