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Sunset Beach
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Episode 148
Diffusé le : 04/08/1998
Ricardo tries to rally the passengers to leave the dining room, but the stubborn crew member and several passengers refuse to leave. Ricardo finds a railing that they can use as a ladder to climb out of the ballroom. Casey gets the door open just in the nick of time. Melinda realizes that if Sara dies, she'll be a martyr and no one will buy her book. There is another explosion! When the walls of the dining room start to cave in, the people in the dining room scramble onto the railing, which collapses. Only Melinda and the cameraman make it to the top. When she catches up to the others, Melinda realizes that she left the galley door open on her way through, and that water is coming in through it. When Michael tells Vanessa that he gave himself Martin's Syndrome to test Tyus's cure, Vanessa loses her temper, telling him that she'd rather die herself than see Michael hurt. Michael insists that he did it for her, because he can handle anything life throws at him, as long as he has her. Dana has another memory flash when Meg tells her how close Mark and Ben were. Dana sees a picture of Ben and Meg together. (
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