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Sunset Beach
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Episode 247
Diffusé le : 23/12/1999
Annie grabbed Jude as he entered the room, hoping that her white knight had just arrived. Instead, her worst nightmare appeared before her eyes when she realized that Jude was Gregory's partner. AJ and Bette decorated her tree together. Bette had never imagined such a happy Christmas when she purchased the tree. AJ was glad that she'd been honest with her feelings; it had finally allowed them to find each other. Then Olivia showed up. She was rejoicing in her newfound sobriety. Vanessa demanded that Spencer tell her where Antonio and Gabi were. DA Steele had the same question. Michael accused the DA of transferring them to another lock-up facility. Knowing that she hadn't moved them, the DA accused Michael and Vanessa of helping them escape. (
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