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Robin of Sherwood
Précédent  1x05 Suivant
Alan A Dale
Diffusé le : 19/05/1984
While visiting his new love, Meg, in Wycombe, Little John is seen by Guy and the Sheriif's men. The Sheriff punishes the villagers by fining them six months wages. Meanwhile a Minstrel, Alan A Dale, is found wandering through the forest on his way to kill the Sheriff! His love, Mildred, has been betrothed to the Sheriff and is being delivered to Nottingham, along with a 10,000 Mark dowery. Robin and Marian realise that they can help Alan by rescuing Mildred and get the money to help the villagers of Wycombe at the same time. All they need do is find Guy and his men and ambush them. (
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