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Episode 1678 (Thu 16th July 1992)
Diffusé le : 16/07/1992
Mark turns up on Lisa's doorstep early in the morning with eggs and milk from the farm. She invites him in for a coffee. Lorraine sees him going into the cabin and later almost blackmails him. Sarah talks to Michael about him and Rachel going skiing. They are not really getting on at all at the moment. Neil is at the stables again. Carol arrives at Home Farm. Lorraine shows Mark a locket that her dad has bought for her. She asks him not to tell her mum as she will be jealous. He is rude to her when Lisa arrives. Carol's laying on of hands does not work on Kim. She manages to wangle a look around the house though. Neil is trying to cure a horse from weaving. He places a couple of bricks on string above the stable door. Kathy thinks that it is cruel. He asks her if she fancies a drink. Jack is having another skiing lesson and is starting to enjoy it. (
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