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Hannah Montana
Précédent  0x02 Suivant
Uptight (Oliver's Alright)
Diffusé le : 00/00/0000
Oliver discovers that he has diabetes and that is why he must stay away from sweets. Miley and Lilly offer to help him. Eventually Hannah/Miley, Lily/Lola, and Oliver/Mike go to a party at Tracy's, but Hannah and Lola try not to let Oliver eat because there is so many sweets at the party. So Hannah and Lola gorge themselves. At the end they find out that Oliver had type 1 diabetes, so he can eat sweets, but the right amount. Meanwhile, Jackson is dating a girl who manages to get him good grades, but when she decides to break up with him Robby Ray does everything he can to stop her, but with little result. (
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