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(Alerte à Malibu)
Précédent  2x19 Suivant
La Chasse au trésor
Diffusé le : 27/04/1992
Two burglars named Beggs and Clark steal some jewelry. When they are going to escape on their motorcycles, Clark falls and is forced to leave the jewelry under tower 12. The next day, they return, only to find out that the jewellery is missing. After a walk down the beach, they find out that the towers are being moved sometimes. Meanwhile, a poet named Ian has a crush on Shauni. He writes her poems. He always carry around a metal detector, and one day he finds the stolen jewelry. He buys Shauni 137 roses with some of the money. When Beggs and Clark can't find the jewelry, they start fighting and Newmie has to break up the fight. Later, Newmie and Eddie find Clark in the water. He is dead and they see that he has been strangled. When Shauni finds out about the jewelry, she goes to Ian and finds out that he has them. Beggs has also figured out that Ian has the jewelry. Beggs forces Ian to give him the jewelry. When Garner and another police officer arrive, a big chase take place. Garner (
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