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Kaleido Star
Précédent  1x06 Suivant
The Amazing Seal
Diffusé le : 08/05/2003
Prancing happily on the beach, Sora trips over an unconscious baby seal, whom she names Jonathan. With pity, she sneaks the seal back to the dormitory, with the intent upon keeping and taking care of him. In addition to her Kaleido Stage work, she fills up her daily schedule with part-time work, over Layla's objections. Eventually, the doubled workload renders Sora exhausted, and her concerned friends look to pick up some of the burden. However, Sarah Dupont shows a flyer of a juggling contest, where first prize can feed Jonathan for a month. Having never juggled before, Sora and company work on a routine. Having been gone for six days, Kalos returns and sees the juggling act. After some convincing, he allows Sora to keep Jonathan as a company mascot, under the care of Marion and her father. (
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