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Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love!
(Binan Kôkô Chikyû Bôei-bu Love!)
(Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!)
Précédent  2x03 Suivant
Brotherly Love
Diffusé le : 22/07/2016
With the Student Council studying abroad, the Defense Club is asked to present a reading to children. Tagaru Katari, a member of the Speaking Poets Society, is upset at this development as he thinks that only someone with passion can do this job. Thanks to a suggestion from Yumoto, the group decides to do the story "Jizo and the Hats" for the children. But when Vepper transforms Katari into the Mic Monster, it's up to the Battle Lovers to keep the children safe and save the play. (
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