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General Hospital
Précédent  36x120 Suivant
06.18.99 - Friday
Diffusé le : 18/06/1999
Backstage at the Nurses Ball, Lucy flits to and fro fussing over last minute details while Katherine snipes at her from the sidelines. A beaming Hannah thanks Sonny for the beautiful gown as they depart from Kelly's. Chloe and Jax keep their fingers crossed when Simon and V's evening gets off to a good start. A bristling A.J. orders his bride to lose the diamonds after Carly emerges from her room glittering with Jason's jewelry. As Monica rolls her eyes in disgust, A.J. then presents a delighted Carly with an even more expensive necklace to replace the one from his brother. Lucy tells Felicia she's bound and determined to keep her clothes on all night for the first time in the history of the Nurses Ball. (
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