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Mystery Science Theater 3000
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The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!!?
Diffusé le : 14/06/1997
Movie Plot: A fortune teller kidnaps some salesmen and turns them into her zombie slaves. On the SOL: Crow and Servo hit up Mike for walk-a-thon pledges / Crow and Servo pretend to be fortune-tellers and cheat more money from Mike / Shelli the Nanite gives the crew pompadours / Ortega is hired by Crow to cater the break / the 'bots put Mike into a box and call it a roller coaster. On the Camping Planet: Pearl is driving the Space kids home, leaving Bobo and Brain Guy on the planet alone. Bobo hurts Brain Guy / Pearl meets the omnipotent parents of the Space Kids. Stinger: "What do you think we came here eat?" Original film made in 1964. (
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