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Murder One
Précédent  2x02 Suivant
Chapter Two, Year Two
Diffusé le : 17/10/1996
During Miriam's opening statement, she contends that Sharon was a spurned lover who killed Van Allan in a fit of rage because he forced her to have an abortion when she became pregnant with his child. Upon hearing this revelation, Jimmy requests an immediate recess because he is ""indisposed"". During the recess, Jimmy asks Sharon if Miriam was correct about the pregnancy and abortion, and severely chastises her for not telling him about it. She tells him that she couldn't tell anyone, because killing her baby was the worst thing she had ever done. Later, Jimmy tells Justine that this statement convinces him that Sharon isn't guilty. After court adjourns for the day, the defense team meets back at the office and discusses the effect of the revelation of Sharon's abortion on Juror #6, a devout Catholic. They begin looking for information to get him disqualified. Jimmy and Frank meet with Terry Philbrick, a dirty tricks operative inside the Garfield campaign. For a $25,000 payment, he offe (
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