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Murder One
Précédent  2x06 Suivant
Chapter Six, Year Two
Diffusé le : 21/11/1996
Judge Bell grants Miriam's motion that all of Larry White's testimony be stricken because there was no opportunity to cross-examine him, but denies her motion to quash Garfield's subpoena. On the stand, Garfield admits that he knew Terry Philbrick, but denies that he ever said that the only way to beat Tom Van Allan is to have him killed. He also denies knowing Larry White. Laura thanks Jimmy for clearing her name and getting her job back, even though she's going to resign immediately. She tells him that he was right about Dietrich, and to be careful of him. Holding up his end of the deal, Jimmy gives Dietrich the video tape of his attempted bribe outside the courtroom. When Dietrich takes the stand and denies trying to bribe him, Jimmy asks what's on the video tape in his pocket. Dietrich's silence speaks volumes. Frank catches Donny McKee trying to skip town and drags him into the office. Jimmy warns McKee that if he doesn't testify, Jimmy won't go to bat for him with the D.A., which (
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