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Saved by the Bell: The New Class
(Sauvés par le gong : La Nouvelle Classe)
Précédent  3x06 Suivant
Big Screech on Campus
Diffusé le : 30/09/1995
Screech takes the gang on a tour of his alma mater, Cal U., where it seems his old fraternity brothers aren't very interested in him, but are interested in the girls. One of the guys, Michael, make plays for both Maria and Rachel. Tommy, Lindsay and Ryan sit in on a psych class and get hypnotized, which results in Lindsay and Ryan being attracted to R.J. and Rachel, respectively, while Tommy goes for...Mr. B! Screech is down about being forgotten by his old buddies, so Ryan concocts a plan to make him popular by pretending that R.J. is a star football recruit. The guys buy this and try to get R.J. to join their fraternity. When R.J. tells them his hero is Screech, they plan to make Screech fraternity president. Screech is so impressed he wants to quit his Bayside job and return to Cal U. But everything is revealed at a phony ceremony for Screech, including Michael's two-timing of Maria and Rachel. (
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