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The Steve Harvey Show
Précédent  2x19 Suivant
White Men Can Funk
Diffusé le : 04/03/1998
Steve and two of his former singing partners must find a fourth voice before their group performs at an oldies show. Meanwhile, the students get a lesson in parenting. - - - When offered $5000 for a televised Hi-Tops reunion, Steve is persuaded to reunite with his estranged bandmates T-Bone and Clyde. But, when Cedric takes ill, they are forced to look for a replacement to do the show. Though Steve is sure finding another Hi-Top will be easy, live auditions prove otherwise. After listening to his taped audition, Steve and the band decide Derrick Love is right for the job. Meanwhile, as part of their sociology class parenting exercise, Romeo and Rosalind are partnered, as are Bullethead and Coretta. Coretta and Bullethead seem to be handling six baby dolls well, but the same can't be said when Rosalind loses theirs. As Lovita tries to cure Cedric's cold with old family remedies, Regina asks Cedric to stay at home. Wanting to win a trophy for five years of perfect attendance, Cedric ex (
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