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The Chris Isaak Show
Précédent  2x13 Suivant
Home of the Brave
Diffusé le : 11/06/2002
From Showtime: Chris accepts an invitation to sing the national anthem at the San Francisco Giants next game. Then Roly recounts Chris's previous attempt at the anthem, when he botched both the lyrics and the notorious high note. Chris remembers too, and the embarrassment and humiliation that went with it. But he's determined to face his fears and try again. When Chris wakes up the next morning with laryngitis and is ordered, by his doctor, to refrain from all talking and singing, Kenney's sure he's faking it. But Chris is a resourceful guy in more ways than one. Meanwhile, Yola is worried she may have unintentionally offended Nicki Wooster, the new president of Manacle Records, who has a prosthetic leg. Wanting to apologize, and 'get a leg up on the situation,' she only manages to make things worse. Anson gets the brush-off from Bianca, a lovely, powerfully built new waitress at Bimbo's. Later, Anson convinces Kenney and Roly to attend their friend C.J's bachelor party. Just as Kenney (
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