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Sunset Beach
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Episode 24
Diffusé le : 06/02/1998
Tim is suspicious of Ben's behavior and he thinks that Ben actually does have a stab on his leg. Meanwhile, Ben gives Meg one pearl and promises to give one pearl every day to her, until their wedding. Caitlin is surprised by a visit from Sister Beatrice, who knows that Caitlin hasn't told Cole anything about her miscarriage yet. Caitlin talks to her and Sister Beatrice advises her to tell Cole the truth before their wedding. Sean sees Caitlin's pregnancy pad, and talks to Annie about it. Caitlin goes to confession and Antonio tells her that she knows what to do regarding the secret. Cole also goes to confession and he admits to Antonio about sleeping with Olivia, and the fact that he could be the baby's father. Ricardo talks to Gabi, and says that she's not fault for his and Paula's breakup. (
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