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Précédent  1x09 Suivant
The Escort
Diffusé le : 00/00/0000
When Tommy needs 2 million dollars, he calls on an old friend who is always ready to invest in Tommy's enterprises. Tommy asks Kristin to arrange accommodation and an escort for his friend's visit, a task she finds she can't bring herself to do. Tyrique is forced to switch from his bike to rollerblades when his courier job is threatened by the rollerblading Smoove. When Kristin refuses to arrange for the escort, Tommy makes the arrangements. When the escort ends up at the wrong hotel, as per Kristin's plan, Tommy gets Tyrique to take Kristin on his bike to send the escort to the right hotel, but Kristin sends her home and takes her place. Kristin takes Tommy's friend on a fun-filled night all over the city, much to his delight, and drops him off at his hotel before going home. The next day, Tommy gets his money and learns that Kristin took the escort's place. He's shocked, but Kristin isn't going to tell him what really happened. (
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