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Wagon Train
(La Grande caravane)
Précédent  1x20 Suivant
The Dora Gray Story
Diffusé le : 29/01/1958
Flint is riding ahead of the train with Bill Hawkes when they hear gunshots. Heading in the direction the shots have come from they soon find the evidence of an Indian raid on a small camp site. While Flint is looking around the site, trying to get a clue as to who the victims and assailants were, Bill finds a spent bullet casing. It looks to the two men as if the Indians who attacked the camp have got hold of the newest type of army rifle. Flint sets out to find out if he can track down the gunrunner. He doesn't have to go far before he can see the smoke from a campfire. When he finds the camp his suspicions are aroused by the amount of smoke the campfire is stoked up to make, and during daylight at that; one man, one woman, one wagon, but with a team of horses strong enough to pull a heavier load than the blankets the man claims to be carrying to trade with Indians.In spite of hostility from the man (known as Doc) Flint invites himeself into the camp. When he thinks Doc and the wom (
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