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The Tracey Ullman Show
Précédent  2x22 Suivant
Diffusé le : 08/05/1988
DINNER THEATER; While acting in the play, "Butterflies are Free" before a live audience at a restaurant, the lead actress (Tracey Ullman) tries to convince a fat man in the audience (Mike Starr) to take his mind off his food and on her act. CINEMA VERITE; Robert Parket (Sam McMurray) and his film crew visit the run-down apartment of single mother Betty (Tracey Ullman) to make a movie about urban squalor. THE MEDLEY; At a nightclub, a man and woman singing duo (Tracey Ullman and Sam McMurray) makes a final awful medley of 1960's songs in their act. ZOO STORY; The Simpsons visit the zoo and pay a visit to the ape family cage which resembles them. (
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