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Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kids
Précédent  1x07 Suivant
Road Racers
Diffusé le : 20/10/1973
The Kids are on a white-water rafting vacation when Mr. Socrates calls them with the ring. He needs them to fly out to Italy and play for the Opening Day of the Road Race, but of course that's just the cover. many valuable diamonds are being stolen right out of hotel rooms and it's the Kid's job to find out why. Once they get to Italy, their arrival takes back seat to the arrival of Mario Angelino the famous Italian race car driver, who arrives exactly the same moment (and immediately catches Steffy's eye). They reach their hotel and are greeted by the owner,Marino, who offers to take their suitcases up to their rooms while the Kids get lunch at a restaurant downtown.But once they're gone, his assistant, the bellhop, goes through their luggage. As the Kids get their pizza, their contact, B-12, arrives disguises as a waiter and gives them a list of the stolen diamonds. As they take it back to the hotel room to read it, it blows away in Butch's hand. Marino finds it and recognizes it. (
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