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(Alerte à Malibu)
Précédent  9x08 Suivant
L'enfant de la plage
Diffusé le : 09/11/1998
A little boy named Tanner hangs around Mitch's tower all day. He even imitates Mitch's moves. When Mitch gets a call about a missing boy, he knows that Tanner is the one. His father is furious when he arrives and he slaps Tanner before he drags him of the beach. Mitch and Alex are very shocked about this but there's nothing they can do. The next day, Tanner is on the beach again claiming that his father gave him permission to do it. Mitch suggests that Junior Lifeguards would be a good idea for Tanner. Later, Mitch gives Tanner a ride home. It turns out that Tanner lives in a dirty dilapidated mobile home in Venice. It gets even worse when Blake refuses to sign any stupid piece of paper about Junior Lifeguards. However, the next morning Tanner arrives to Junior Lifeguards with the piece of paper signed and everything. But he refuses to take his shirt off. But afterwards, Tanner starts shivering and Mitch tells him to change his t-shirt. Mitch is then shocked to discover bruises on Tann (
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