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I (Almost) Got Away With It
(Le Crime parfait n’existe pas)
Précédent  2x09 Suivant
Got to Lock and Load
Diffusé le : 21/12/2010
In 1997 members of the Republic of Texas separatist group took Joe Rowe and his wife hostage. The Texas Rangers were able to negotiate their release, and capture four separatists, however two members, Richard Keyes and Mike Matson got away. Fleeing into the mountainous hills of Davis, Texas they spent two days evading helicopters and police dogs, eventually Matson pulls his pistol, preferring to go out in standoff. Keyes keeps running. Using an underground Militia group, Keyes is able to hideout in the woods undetected, until a tail leads the FBI to his hideout, and his capture. (
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