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The Bill
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Not the Real Thing
Diffusé le : 11/11/2004
Best and Sim are on the trail of a prolific local burglar, but when Stamp and Hollis attend the scene of the latest incident, they find more than they bargained for, in the form of a severed arm. Best investigates and immediately apprehends the suspect, but Meadows is less than pleased when the arm is discovered to be made of rubber. That is, until Best finds a real one in the suspect's shed. Meanwhile, Smithy is teamed up with Kent when local villain Jimmy Cross is targeted for selling dodgy consignments of vodka, unknowingly sparking a turf war with none other than the Radfords. On Smithy's advice, Dunbar informs Morrell during interview that Young had accused Kent of raping her shortly prior to her death. (
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